Life Changing Event

I recently acquired a CPAC machine which stops the fatigue you get from sleep apnea. It puts a positive air pressure to your throat so you don't stop breathing in the night. What an amazing difference, I wish I had known about this years ago. It has only been 3 nights, but I feel so much better, I think my whole outlook on life has changed. Those late night charlatans should be selling these instead of colon cleanses and "revitalizing" berry juice.  It probably wouldn't hurt to send CPAC machines to the middle east, they may fight all the time because they don't get any quality sleep.

I noticed the difference the very next morning, after a few yawns I said to myself: "Self, wow, I feel rested." Going up the stairs wasn't a chore and I had energy to exercise and do things I have been putting off for awhile due to fatigue. As of last week after work, I would been in bed no later than 8:00 pm and wake up feeling just as tired when I went to sleep. My doctors told me I would feel so much better when I quit drinking over 2 years ago, but I didn't notice much change. I never felt the benefits of feeling better from exercise and my blood sugar from diabetes was all over the place. In the last 3 days I haven't taken any insulin and my numbers are looking pretty good.

This afternoon I am going for my second bike ride and carry on this new way of life. The only problem now I hear, is convincing the insurance company that I need such a machine, as they run about $2500.

More later


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